I'm honored to help organize digital twin workshop and present papers at TRB 2024 in Washington. D.C.
C2SMARTER team successfully host a digital twin workshop during the Transportation Research Board 2024 Annual Meeting. A diverse group of 10 speakers from universities (UCLA, NYU, UMich, Columbia, RPI, TUMunich, FIU), agencies (Noblis, VDOT), and industries (KLD) convened to explore the evolving role of digital twins. They discussed applications ranging from traffic signal control to large-scale urban mobility management, highlighting how AI and machine learning are advancing the ability to process complex data inputs and outputs. The workshop was host on Jan. 11, 2024 at Washington. D.C., where more than 140 people attended this workshop. Click here for more details

A total of 3 papers were presented as first and/or corresponding author at TRB2024.
- Eren Kaval, Zilin Bian*, Kaan Ozbay. ”Data-driven quantification of the resilience of enforcement policies on transportation systems: a comparative study of two major winter storms in Buffalo, New York.”
- Ruixuan Zhang, Tu Lan, Zilin Bian*, Kaan Ozbay. ”MSinT: a multi-view spatioinformed transformer for overweighted vehicle forecasting.”
- Zilin Bian*, Dachuan Zuo, Jingqin Gao, Kaan Ozbay, Zhenning Li. ”Informed along the road: roadway capacity driven graph convolution network for networkwide traffic prediction.” preprint